This example demonstrates how to use DDE to retrieve a topic string which contains the list of running mbx's within a mapinfo session. The function GetMBXFromTopicString(strTopics As String) As String extracts the mbx name from the topic string. I have used similar code in other applications to determine if an mbx was running in the current instance of mapinfo. If it was not found, I issued a Run Application statement to fire off the mbx
Include "Mapbasic.def"
Declare Sub Main
Declare Sub PrintListOfRunningMBXs
Declare Function GetMBXFromTopicString(strTopics As String) As String
Sub Main
Print Chr$(12)
Set Window Message Position(1,1) Width 3 Height 5 Title "List of Running MBXs"
Call PrintListOfRunningMBXs
End Sub
Sub PrintListOfRunningMBXs
OnError Goto CatchEx
Dim nChan, i As Integer
Dim sTopics, strMBX As String
nChan = DDEInitiate("MapInfo", "System")
sTopics = DDERequest$(nChan, "Topics")
DDETerminate nChan
strMBX = GetMBXFromTopicString(sTopics)
i = 1
Do While sTopics <> ""
Print PathToFileName$(GetMBXFromTopicString(sTopics))
i = i + 1
Exit Sub
Resume Done
End Sub
Function GetMBXFromTopicString(strTopics As String) As String
OnError Goto CatchEx
Dim iDelimPos As SmallInt
strTopics = RTrim$(LTrim$(strTopics))
iDelimPos = InStr(1, strTopics, Chr$(9))
If iDelimPos Then
GetMBXFromTopicString = Left$(strTopics, iDelimPos-1)
strTopics = Right$(strTopics, Len(strTopics)-iDelimPos)
GetMBXFromTopicString = strTopics
strTopics = ""
End If
Exit Sub
Resume Done
End Function
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