This example demonstrates how to use DDE to retrieve a topic string which contains the list of running mbx's within a mapinfo session. The function GetMBXFromTopicString(strTopics As String) As String extracts the mbx name from the topic string. I have used similar code in other applications to determine if an mbx was running in the current instance of mapinfo. If it was not found, I issued a Run Application statement to fire off the mbx
Include "Mapbasic.def"
Declare Sub Main
Declare Sub PrintListOfRunningMBXs
Declare Function GetMBXFromTopicString(strTopics As String) As String
Sub Main
Print Chr$(12)
Set Window Message Position(1,1) Width 3 Height 5 Title "List of Running MBXs"
Call PrintListOfRunningMBXs
End Sub
Sub PrintListOfRunningMBXs
OnError Goto CatchEx
Dim nChan, i As Integer
Dim sTopics, strMBX As String
nChan = DDEInitiate("MapInfo", "System")
sTopics = DDERequest$(nChan, "Topics")
DDETerminate nChan
strMBX = GetMBXFromTopicString(sTopics)
i = 1
Do While sTopics <> ""
Print PathToFileName$(GetMBXFromTopicString(sTopics))
i = i + 1
Exit Sub
Resume Done
End Sub
Function GetMBXFromTopicString(strTopics As String) As String
OnError Goto CatchEx
Dim iDelimPos As SmallInt
strTopics = RTrim$(LTrim$(strTopics))
iDelimPos = InStr(1, strTopics, Chr$(9))
If iDelimPos Then
GetMBXFromTopicString = Left$(strTopics, iDelimPos-1)
strTopics = Right$(strTopics, Len(strTopics)-iDelimPos)
GetMBXFromTopicString = strTopics
strTopics = ""
End If
Exit Sub
Resume Done
End Function
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Thursday, 19 June 2014
MapBasic Progress Bar Example 2: How to step progress bar for multiple tasks
Following on from Example 1, in this example I will demonstrate how I use a progress step sub routine as a way of calling many functions and sub routines to show progress through my mbx. The code uses a case statement to see what step count it is up to. It also demonstrates how to track if the progress bar cancel button was clicked, or if the code was ended prematurely because of user intervention.
This example enables you to show the progress bar, and set up a sequence of routines / scripts / functions and update the progress bar with a progress percentage when each task is complete.
Include "Mapbasic.def"
Declare Sub Main
Declare Sub StepProgress
Declare Sub Wait3Seconds
Declare Function ReturnTrue() as Logical
Dim iProgress as Integer
Dim iProgressRange as Integer
Sub Main
Print Chr$(12)
Set Window Message Position(1, 1) Width 3 Height 1
Print "*** Started Progress Bar Example ***"
iProgress = 1
iProgressRange = 5
ProgressBar "Processing...."
Calling StepProgress
Range iProgressRange
If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_STATUS) then
If iProgress <= iProgressRange then
Note "You ended the Progress early because you only got to step " & iProgress
Note "Progress Bar Example Complete!"
End If
Note "You clicked the cancel button on the Progress Bar!"
End If
End Sub
Sub StepProgress
Print "Progress is @ step " & iProgress
Do Case iProgress
Case 1
Note "Progress is @ step " & iProgress 'This is just an example process
Case 2
Note "Progress is @ step " & iProgress & ". Now going to wait 3 secs!"
Call Wait3Seconds 'This is just an example process
Case 3
Note "Progress is @ step " & iProgress 'This is just an example process
Case 4
If NOT ReturnTrue() then 'This is just an example process
Print "You eneded Progress"
ProgressBar = -1 'Now the progress bar will stop and hide
Exit Sub
End If
Case 5
Note "Progress is @ step " & iProgress 'This is just an example process
End Case
iProgress = iProgress + 1
If iProgress <= iProgressRange Then
ProgressBar = iProgress
ProgressBar = -1
End If
End Sub
Sub Wait3Seconds
Print "Waiting for 3 seconds"
Dim iCurrentTime, iElapsedTime, iWaitTime as Float
iCurrentTime = Timer()
iWaitTime= 3
Do While iElapsedTime <= iCurrentTime + iWaitTime
iElapsedTime = Timer()
End Sub
Function ReturnTrue() as Logical
Dim bResult as Logical
bResult = Ask("Progress is @ step " & iProgress & ". Do you want the progress bar to Contiue or End?", "Continue", "End")
Print "Return True = " & bResult
ReturnTrue = bResult
End Function
This example enables you to show the progress bar, and set up a sequence of routines / scripts / functions and update the progress bar with a progress percentage when each task is complete.
Include "Mapbasic.def"
Declare Sub Main
Declare Sub StepProgress
Declare Sub Wait3Seconds
Declare Function ReturnTrue() as Logical
Dim iProgress as Integer
Dim iProgressRange as Integer
Sub Main
Print Chr$(12)
Set Window Message Position(1, 1) Width 3 Height 1
Print "*** Started Progress Bar Example ***"
iProgress = 1
iProgressRange = 5
ProgressBar "Processing...."
Calling StepProgress
Range iProgressRange
If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_STATUS) then
If iProgress <= iProgressRange then
Note "You ended the Progress early because you only got to step " & iProgress
Note "Progress Bar Example Complete!"
End If
Note "You clicked the cancel button on the Progress Bar!"
End If
End Sub
Sub StepProgress
Print "Progress is @ step " & iProgress
Do Case iProgress
Case 1
Note "Progress is @ step " & iProgress 'This is just an example process
Case 2
Note "Progress is @ step " & iProgress & ". Now going to wait 3 secs!"
Call Wait3Seconds 'This is just an example process
Case 3
Note "Progress is @ step " & iProgress 'This is just an example process
Case 4
If NOT ReturnTrue() then 'This is just an example process
Print "You eneded Progress"
ProgressBar = -1 'Now the progress bar will stop and hide
Exit Sub
End If
Case 5
Note "Progress is @ step " & iProgress 'This is just an example process
End Case
iProgress = iProgress + 1
If iProgress <= iProgressRange Then
ProgressBar = iProgress
ProgressBar = -1
End If
End Sub
Sub Wait3Seconds
Print "Waiting for 3 seconds"
Dim iCurrentTime, iElapsedTime, iWaitTime as Float
iCurrentTime = Timer()
iWaitTime= 3
Do While iElapsedTime <= iCurrentTime + iWaitTime
iElapsedTime = Timer()
End Sub
Function ReturnTrue() as Logical
Dim bResult as Logical
bResult = Ask("Progress is @ step " & iProgress & ". Do you want the progress bar to Contiue or End?", "Continue", "End")
Print "Return True = " & bResult
ReturnTrue = bResult
End Function
Mapbasic Progress Bar Example 1: How to step progress bar for each row in a table
The progress bar that is provided within Mapbasic is not very flexible. It is limited to calling sub routines and is designed in a way that it continues to call a the specified sub routine until you end it (ProgressBar = -1). This means you can't parse a variable and you can't just show the progress bar and update it's progress and any point in your code.
It took me a while to harness it, and this example and Example 2 demonstrates how I use the Mapbasic progress bar in my mbx's.
In this example I will demonstrate how to iterate through a table fetching each row. I use global variables to track progress and range and I create a selection table that I step through each row and print out the column 1 value. I would suggest you open a table with more than 1000 rows when you run this example mbx.
Include "Mapbasic.def"
Declare Sub Main
Declare Sub StepProgress
Dim iProgress as Integer
Dim iProgressRange as Integer
Sub Main
Print Chr$(12)
Set Window Message Position(1, 1) Width 3 Height 1
Print "*** Started Progress Bar Example ***"
If NumTables() < 1 then
Note "This Progress Bar Example needs a table open to demonstrate"
Exit Sub
End If
Select * from TableInfo(1,TAB_INFO_NAME) Where str$(Col1) <> "" Into Temp
iProgressRange = TableInfo("Temp",TAB_INFO_NROWS)
Fetch First From Temp
iProgress = 1
ProgressBar "Processing...."
Calling StepProgress
Range iProgressRange
Close Table Temp
If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_STATUS) Then
Note "Progress Bar Example Complete!"
Note "You clicked the cancel button on the Progress Bar!"
End If
End Sub
Sub StepProgress
Print "Row " & iProgress & " Value " & Temp.Col1
'Do Something here
'EG: Update Temp Set Col1 = "A New Vaule" Where RowID = iProgress
iProgress = iProgress + 1
Fetch Rec iProgress From Temp
If iProgress <= iProgressRange Then
ProgressBar = iProgress
ProgressBar = -1
End If
End Sub
It took me a while to harness it, and this example and Example 2 demonstrates how I use the Mapbasic progress bar in my mbx's.
In this example I will demonstrate how to iterate through a table fetching each row. I use global variables to track progress and range and I create a selection table that I step through each row and print out the column 1 value. I would suggest you open a table with more than 1000 rows when you run this example mbx.
Include "Mapbasic.def"
Declare Sub Main
Declare Sub StepProgress
Dim iProgress as Integer
Dim iProgressRange as Integer
Sub Main
Print Chr$(12)
Set Window Message Position(1, 1) Width 3 Height 1
Print "*** Started Progress Bar Example ***"
If NumTables() < 1 then
Note "This Progress Bar Example needs a table open to demonstrate"
Exit Sub
End If
Select * from TableInfo(1,TAB_INFO_NAME) Where str$(Col1) <> "" Into Temp
iProgressRange = TableInfo("Temp",TAB_INFO_NROWS)
Fetch First From Temp
iProgress = 1
ProgressBar "Processing...."
Calling StepProgress
Range iProgressRange
Close Table Temp
If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_STATUS) Then
Note "Progress Bar Example Complete!"
Note "You clicked the cancel button on the Progress Bar!"
End If
End Sub
Sub StepProgress
Print "Row " & iProgress & " Value " & Temp.Col1
'Do Something here
'EG: Update Temp Set Col1 = "A New Vaule" Where RowID = iProgress
iProgress = iProgress + 1
Fetch Rec iProgress From Temp
If iProgress <= iProgressRange Then
ProgressBar = iProgress
ProgressBar = -1
End If
End Sub
Friday, 30 May 2014
Change Object Style with Mapbasic (Alter or Change Front, Symbol, Pen or Brush Style of an object)
I have seen a lot of questions asking how to change an object style in MapInfo programatically with Mapbasic. This example demonstrates how to define a font, symbol, pen and brush style and apply a style to an object. To run and test this demo, copy the code below and compile, select an object in a map window and click the wrench tool button to see how the code modifies object styles base on the type of object selected. The image below shows what the object will look like when you click the change object style button. Feel free to use these functions in your code :)
Include "Mapbasic.def"
Include "Icons.def"
Declare Sub Main
Declare Sub ChangeObjStyle
Declare Function AlterObjectFontStyle(ByVal oObject as Object, ByVal fFontStyle as Font) as Object
Declare Function AlterObjectSymbolStyle(ByVal oObject as Object, sSymbolStyle as Symbol) as Object
Declare Function AlterObjectPenStyle(ByVal oObject as Object, pPenStyle as Pen) as Object
Declare Function AlterObjectBrushStyle(ByVal oObject as Object, bBrushStyle as Brush) as Object
Sub Main
Print Chr$(12)
Print "Started ChangeObjStyle.mbx"
Create ButtonPad "Change Obj Style" asPushButton
Calling ChangeObjStyle
ID 1
End Sub
Sub ChangeObjStyle
OnError Goto CatchEx
Print "Clicked on Change Object Style button"
If SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS) = 0 Then
Print "No Selection"
Note "You must select an object"
Exit Sub
End If
If SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS) > 1 Then
Print "Selected " & SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS) & " of objects"
Note "This tool is only designed to alter the object style of 1 object at a time!"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim objModify as Object
Fetch First From selection
objModify = selection.obj
Dim fFont as Font
fFont = MakeFont("Courier New", 0, 16,BLUE, -1) 'This is how you define a font
Dim sSymbol as Symbol
sSymbol = MakeSymbol(67,RED, 25) 'This is how you define a symbol style
Dim pPen as Pen
pPen = MakePen(1,92, RED) 'This is how you define a pen style
Dim bBrush as Brush
bBrush = MakeBrush(7,MAGENTA,-1) 'This is how you define a brush style
Do Case ObjectInfo(objModify, OBJ_INFO_TYPE)
objModify = AlterObjectPenStyle(objModify, pPen)
objModify = AlterObjectPenStyle(objModify, pPen)
objModify = AlterObjectBrushStyle(objModify, bBrush)
objModify = AlterObjectPenStyle(objModify, pPen)
objModify = AlterObjectPenStyle(objModify, pPen)
objModify = AlterObjectSymbolStyle(objModify, sSymbol)
objModify = AlterObjectPenStyle(objModify, pPen)
objModify = AlterObjectBrushStyle(objModify, bBrush)
objModify = AlterObjectPenStyle(objModify, pPen)
objModify = AlterObjectBrushStyle(objModify, bBrush)
objModify = AlterObjectPenStyle(objModify, pPen)
objModify = AlterObjectBrushStyle(objModify, bBrush)
objModify = AlterObjectPenStyle(objModify, pPen)
objModify = AlterObjectBrushStyle(objModify, bBrush)
objModify = AlterObjectFontStyle(objModify, fFont)
Case Else
Note "The selected object is an unknown object type" 'OBJ_TYPE_MULTIPOINT, OBJ_TYPE_COLLECTION
End Case
Update selection set obj = objModify
Exit Sub
Note Error$()
Resume Done
End Sub
Function AlterObjectFontStyle(ByVal oObject as Object, ByVal fFontStyle as Font) as Object
OnError Goto CatchEx
Alter Object oObject
Info OBJ_INFO_TEXTFONT, fFontStyleAlterObjectFontStyle = oObject
Print "Altered font style"
Exit Sub
Note Error$()
Resume Done
End Function
Function AlterObjectSymbolStyle(ByVal oObject as Object, sSymbolStyle as Symbol) as Object
OnError Goto CatchEx
Alter Object oObject
Info OBJ_INFO_SYMBOL, sSymbolStyle
AlterObjectSymbolStyle = oObject
Print "Altered symbol style"
Exit Sub
Note Error$()
Resume Done
End Function
Function AlterObjectPenStyle(ByVal oObject as Object, pPenStyle as Pen) as Object
OnError Goto CatchEx
Alter Object oObject
Info OBJ_INFO_PEN, pPenStyle
AlterObjectPenStyle = oObject
Print "Altered pen style"
Exit Sub
Note Error$()
Resume Done
End Function
Function AlterObjectBrushStyle(ByVal oObject as Object, bBrushStyle as Brush) as Object
OnError Goto CatchEx
Alter Object oObject
Info OBJ_INFO_BRUSH, bBrushStyle
AlterObjectBrushStyle = oObject
Print "Altered brush style"
Exit Sub
Note Error$()
Resume Done
End Function
Include "Icons.def"
Declare Sub Main
Declare Sub ChangeObjStyle
Declare Function AlterObjectFontStyle(ByVal oObject as Object, ByVal fFontStyle as Font) as Object
Declare Function AlterObjectSymbolStyle(ByVal oObject as Object, sSymbolStyle as Symbol) as Object
Declare Function AlterObjectPenStyle(ByVal oObject as Object, pPenStyle as Pen) as Object
Declare Function AlterObjectBrushStyle(ByVal oObject as Object, bBrushStyle as Brush) as Object
Sub Main
Print Chr$(12)
Print "Started ChangeObjStyle.mbx"
Create ButtonPad "Change Obj Style" asPushButton
Calling ChangeObjStyle
ID 1
End Sub
Sub ChangeObjStyle
OnError Goto CatchEx
Print "Clicked on Change Object Style button"
If SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS) = 0 Then
Print "No Selection"
Note "You must select an object"
Exit Sub
End If
If SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS) > 1 Then
Print "Selected " & SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS) & " of objects"
Note "This tool is only designed to alter the object style of 1 object at a time!"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim objModify as Object
Fetch First From selection
objModify = selection.obj
Dim fFont as Font
fFont = MakeFont("Courier New", 0, 16,BLUE, -1) 'This is how you define a font
Dim sSymbol as Symbol
sSymbol = MakeSymbol(67,RED, 25) 'This is how you define a symbol style
Dim pPen as Pen
pPen = MakePen(1,92, RED) 'This is how you define a pen style
Dim bBrush as Brush
bBrush = MakeBrush(7,MAGENTA,-1) 'This is how you define a brush style
Do Case ObjectInfo(objModify, OBJ_INFO_TYPE)
objModify = AlterObjectPenStyle(objModify, pPen)
objModify = AlterObjectPenStyle(objModify, pPen)
objModify = AlterObjectBrushStyle(objModify, bBrush)
objModify = AlterObjectPenStyle(objModify, pPen)
objModify = AlterObjectPenStyle(objModify, pPen)
objModify = AlterObjectSymbolStyle(objModify, sSymbol)
objModify = AlterObjectPenStyle(objModify, pPen)
objModify = AlterObjectBrushStyle(objModify, bBrush)
objModify = AlterObjectPenStyle(objModify, pPen)
objModify = AlterObjectBrushStyle(objModify, bBrush)
objModify = AlterObjectPenStyle(objModify, pPen)
objModify = AlterObjectBrushStyle(objModify, bBrush)
objModify = AlterObjectPenStyle(objModify, pPen)
objModify = AlterObjectBrushStyle(objModify, bBrush)
objModify = AlterObjectFontStyle(objModify, fFont)
Case Else
Note "The selected object is an unknown object type" 'OBJ_TYPE_MULTIPOINT, OBJ_TYPE_COLLECTION
End Case
Update selection set obj = objModify
Exit Sub
Note Error$()
Resume Done
End Sub
Function AlterObjectFontStyle(ByVal oObject as Object, ByVal fFontStyle as Font) as Object
OnError Goto CatchEx
Alter Object oObject
Info OBJ_INFO_TEXTFONT, fFontStyleAlterObjectFontStyle = oObject
Print "Altered font style"
Exit Sub
Note Error$()
Resume Done
End Function
Function AlterObjectSymbolStyle(ByVal oObject as Object, sSymbolStyle as Symbol) as Object
OnError Goto CatchEx
Alter Object oObject
Info OBJ_INFO_SYMBOL, sSymbolStyle
AlterObjectSymbolStyle = oObject
Print "Altered symbol style"
Exit Sub
Note Error$()
Resume Done
End Function
Function AlterObjectPenStyle(ByVal oObject as Object, pPenStyle as Pen) as Object
OnError Goto CatchEx
Alter Object oObject
Info OBJ_INFO_PEN, pPenStyle
AlterObjectPenStyle = oObject
Print "Altered pen style"
Exit Sub
Note Error$()
Resume Done
End Function
Function AlterObjectBrushStyle(ByVal oObject as Object, bBrushStyle as Brush) as Object
OnError Goto CatchEx
Alter Object oObject
Info OBJ_INFO_BRUSH, bBrushStyle
AlterObjectBrushStyle = oObject
Print "Altered brush style"
Exit Sub
Note Error$()
Resume Done
End Function
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Set Map Window Projection from Layer - Alter Layer Control Right Click Menu
Hi All,
This is quick post to demonstrate a useful tool for changing map projections based on a layer. By default MapInfo will assign a map projection based on the dominant raster layer. If you change raster layers the map projection may, but not always change. This tool will allow you to select a layer in the layer control, right click and set projection from layer.
Include "Mapbasic.def"
Include "Menu.def"
Declare Sub Main
Declare Sub SetMapWinProjection
Sub Main
OnError Goto CatchEx
"Set Map Projection From Layer"
Calling SetMapWinProjection
Exit Sub
Note Error$()
Resume Done
End Sub
Sub SetMapWinProjectionOnError Goto CatchEx
If LayerControlInfo(LC_INFO_SEL_COUNT) = 0 then
Note "Please select a layer!"
Goto Done
End If
If LayerControlInfo(LC_INFO_SEL_COUNT) > 1 then
Note "Please select one layer you want to set the map projection from"
Goto Done
End If
Dim strLayerAlias as String
strLayerAlias = LayerControlSelectionInfo(1,LC_SEL_INFO_NAME)
Print("Layer Name: " & strLayerAlias)
Print("Layer Type: " & LayerControlSelectionInfo(1,LC_SEL_INFO_TYPE))
Dim iMapWinID as integer
iMapWinID = LayerControlSelectionInfo(1,LC_SEL_INFO_MAPWIN_ID)
Print("Layer's Map Window ID: " & iMapWinID)
Dim strCmd as String
strCmd = "Set Map " & TableInfo(strLayerAlias,TAB_INFO_COORDSYS_CLAUSE)
Print "strCmd = " & strCmd
Run Command strCmd
Exit Sub
Note Error$()
Resume Done
End Sub
This is quick post to demonstrate a useful tool for changing map projections based on a layer. By default MapInfo will assign a map projection based on the dominant raster layer. If you change raster layers the map projection may, but not always change. This tool will allow you to select a layer in the layer control, right click and set projection from layer.
Include "Mapbasic.def"
Include "Menu.def"
Declare Sub Main
Declare Sub SetMapWinProjection
Sub Main
OnError Goto CatchEx
"Set Map Projection From Layer"
Calling SetMapWinProjection
Exit Sub
Note Error$()
Resume Done
End Sub
Sub SetMapWinProjectionOnError Goto CatchEx
If LayerControlInfo(LC_INFO_SEL_COUNT) = 0 then
Note "Please select a layer!"
Goto Done
End If
If LayerControlInfo(LC_INFO_SEL_COUNT) > 1 then
Note "Please select one layer you want to set the map projection from"
Goto Done
End If
Dim strLayerAlias as String
strLayerAlias = LayerControlSelectionInfo(1,LC_SEL_INFO_NAME)
Print("Layer Name: " & strLayerAlias)
Print("Layer Type: " & LayerControlSelectionInfo(1,LC_SEL_INFO_TYPE))
Dim iMapWinID as integer
iMapWinID = LayerControlSelectionInfo(1,LC_SEL_INFO_MAPWIN_ID)
Print("Layer's Map Window ID: " & iMapWinID)
Dim strCmd as String
strCmd = "Set Map " & TableInfo(strLayerAlias,TAB_INFO_COORDSYS_CLAUSE)
Print "strCmd = " & strCmd
Run Command strCmd
Exit Sub
Note Error$()
Resume Done
End Sub
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